Council Summary from 6/30:
This council meeting focused on the church building renovation project and the special congregational meeting for decision/approval of the project. Pastor Chad presented the 3 options for the project: a small ($1.3M), medium ($1.6M that was already presented to the congregation last month), and large ($1.6M +). Dates were set for the meetings to discuss the project with the congregation (July 7 and 12), as well as the Special Congregational Meeting (July 19).
Two related motions were approved unanimously: Council Motion #1: Approve Construction Documents to be created for Option 2 (Medium, $1.6M) as recommended by the building team, and add alternates listed as 1-4 by Eidos Architects; Council Motion #2: Recommend Option 2 to the congregation for a vote on July 19, for a $1.62M project to include a construction loan of up to $1.35M including a loan of $300k beyond our current pledges for the Connecting Campaign.
Council Summary from 7/9 meeting:
Council met on July 9. Major topics of discussion were building renovation plans/Special Congregational Meeting, sanctuary video system upgrades, and building closure extensions/policy changes.
Approved motions: 1. Continue small group policy and extend the building closure through September 30; 2. Purchase two cameras with memorial funds to be used in our online worship
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