Executive Committee
Jess Gribble—President
Kristen Nelson—President-Elect
Barton Kiburz—Secretary
Carol Callan—Treasurer
Council Members-at-Large
Bruce Allen
Jennie Fenton
Karen Nielsen
Jeff Scarborough
Executive Committee
Jess Gribble—President
Kristen Nelson—President-Elect
Barton Kiburz—Secretary
Carol Callan—Treasurer
Council Members-at-Large
Bruce Allen
Jennie Fenton
Karen Nielsen
Jeff Scarborough
Carl Evenson – Adult Faith Formation
Jodie Cottrell—Building & Grounds (Inside)
Mary Jenson—Building & Grounds (Outside)
Carol Hewitt—Congregational Care
Team Led—Courageous Conversations
Diana Linden-Johnson—First Third of Life
Alan Johnson—Mental Health
OPEN—Outreach & Evangelism
OPEN—Social Ministry
Kris Kiburz and Jan Ydstie-Roy—Stewardship
Irene Koster—Worship
The Courageous Conversations Ministry Team is in place to foster connections by supporting Atonement’s culture of inclusion and respect, with a focus on providing tools and training for addressing potentially difficult issues. The team has created tools and provides resources which are available on our website under the Connect > Adult headings, or you can click here. Please check the web materials or contact any of the team members (Andre Dion, Chair; Jan Ydstie-Roy; Jackie Glover; Branko Kosovic; Rebecca Scarborough; Holger Voemel; William Wharton) if you have questions.
The Mental Health Ministry Team of Atonement Lutheran Church has the following commitments:
Atonement Lutheran is a vibrant faith community of all ages and walks of life. Come join us in worship, outreach, education, and faith development.
Sunday Worship at 9:30AM
Atonement Lutheran Church
685 Inca Parkway
Boulder, CO 80303