In 1960, the Board of American Missions of the newly formed The American Lutheran Church voted to establish a congregation in Boulder. The Boulder church was one of nineteen TALC “Jubilee” congregations established that year, each named “Atonement”. In May of 1961, three acres of land at the corner of Baseline Road and Inca Parkway were purchased.
Atonement’s first worship service was held in December 1961 at Burke Elementary School with 116 baptized members. Services continued at Burke School until the new church building was dedicated on May 27, 1962.
The building grew with the membership. Pews replaced folding chairs and classrooms were added in 1966. Another expansion occurred in 1968 with the addition of an over-flow space. Groundbreaking for a new sanctuary and additional classrooms took place in 1980; the cornerstone of the sanctuary was laid in January 1981. When The American Lutheran Church merged with two other church bodies to form the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) in 1988, Atonement became a congregation of the ELCA and the Rocky Mountain Synod.
From its founding, Atonement has been a church of community outreach and service. Its commitment to social action includes much more than money. Atonement members participate in myriad community programs throughout the year.