Two online options and one carefully distanced, outside/ in person option! Join us for one opportunity or all of them!
Christmas Candlelight Worship–4pm & 7:30pm: We are looking forward to worshipping together on Christmas Eve, December 24. The 4p liturgy (with prelude music playing at 3:45) features a pre-recorded Christmas message by 30+ children from Atonement and an opportunity for Holy Communion candle lighting together via Zoom. The 7:30 pm liturgy (prelude music at 7:00PM) via Zoom also features Holy Communion and candle lighting along with many along with many favorite Christmas hymns. For the traditional candle lighting we encourage everyone to have your candles ready to light at home. Christmas Eve Worship Zoom Link for *BOTH* 4 and 7:30 pm:; Meeting ID: 879 0554 9544; Passcode: 281224
Stations of the Nativity: In-person (carefully distanced) on the East Lawn: In addition to our online worship opportunities, we invite you to the Atonement East Lawn on the 24th from 5:00-8:30pm, for the Stations of the Nativity. The banners will remain up through Christmas Day as well for your use.
Three Atonement artists (Sandra Davis, Andre Dion, and Martie McMane) have created six pieces of art that guide you through the Christmas Story from Luke 2. The art pieces will be presented as 4’x5′ banners on the building wall. You will be guided between them with candle luminaries. Each family unit will also receive a set of six Christmas Tree ornaments, each with one of the art pieces on them. At each station you will hear a part of the story read and be give a reflection question to consider using a pre-recorded video you will use via a smart phone. As you finish you will be given the opportunity to safely receive communion with those with whom you arrived (your family unit or other close contacts). Communion is available from the pastors from 5-7pm only (it will not be offered after 7pm even though the stations will still be open). We will have sanitized “celebration” cups (pre-packaged communion) or you can bring your own communion elements if you prefer. The pre-recorded video will also allow the story and art to be experienced even if you are unable to be in-person at Atonement.
If you have questions about any of these opportunities in the days leading up to Christmas Eve, please email and we will be happy to assist you to the best of our abilities.
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