Notes from Kat Whitt, our Faith Formation Coordinator, on the special children’s bulletin/Note Catcher she taylor made for our June 14 worship:
This “note catcher” can be printed off before the worship on Sunday. It’s designed specifically for this service, and my hope is that it will help children connect with what is being shared. Bribery is involved. Send me a picture of your child’s notes, and I will reward them.
A few ideas to help children get the most out of this:
1) Read through it ahead of the service
2) Remind kids that they are welcome to use pictures and words – they don’t have to write for someone else to understand. They only have to write and draw what will help them remember for after church for your family discussion.
3) Print out your own page and work on it during the service: kids learn so much by watching what you model
4) Don’t pressure kids to finish it all during the service – let them know you’ll be discussing the message after church and can’t wait to hear their perspective.
5) Provide some blank paper as well. Write down questions you want to discuss with kids after the service. This week, I (Kat) won’t be sending out my own sermon notes, but I will send out a few questions immediately after the service in hopes of sparking discussion.
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